Chapter 02|| The replaced Bride


Anjali and her family soon reached the venue! Which was filled with guests.

People from all over the city were present and that somewhat made Anjali nervous.

And that was because Clumsy was her second name,she never fitted into the calm, silent well mannered girls group!

She was different, she never really cared about anything,she had a simple dream and was working right on it.

"Anjali! That woman in the green saree is the bride's mother " Shilpa whispered in her ears making Anjali nodded not knowing why Shilpa was filling her with these information

"God! Girl she was your nursery teacher" Shilpa told and Anjali slapped her forehead and looked at the lady once again and smiled sheepishly at Shilpa

"Seems like she retired,I visited the school last week" Anjali told

Soon! They moved into the hall and Anjali sat down in one of the seat and looked around !

Her brother got himself engaged with his other business friends and Shilpa was busy with the ladies who were talking among themselves.

Phew! This is what Anjali hated the most about weddings and get togethers!

She was not a introvert who found it hard to interact and mingle with people!She was a Ambivert ,she just needed a right group to vibe along .

Not people who would judge her and make her feel her each step being watched

And the people who were in the hall were some for whom Anjali did everything to avoid them!

She sat watching people around her busy in their own work!

She turned around to see Swetha who was also lost! Just like Anjali.

She picked Swetha in her lap and started playing with her to kill time.

A few minutes passed and there was no sign of a wedding taking place , the music was dead and was replaced by the guests whispers! Anjali found it all a bit odd

She looked around and saw bride's family who Shilpa introduced to her standing with a worried look on their face

angry was visable in groom's family faces .

Anjali somehow guessed what was happening but just to make sure she stood up and with Swetha and walked to Shilpa

"what happened ?" Anjali whispered in shilpa's ears

"Seems like the bride ran away"Shilpa told

Anjali felt pity! Seeing the bride's family weeping after all the bride could have said to her parents and cancelled the wedding or even she could have said that to him or his parents

Anjali walked towards her teacher and placed her hand on her shoulders and tried consoling her which was of no use .

"Anjali can you hold Swetha for a minute,I will go meet Mrs venkatesh and come?" Shilpa asked

"I will join you too! It's been a while I saw her" Anjali reliped and followed Shilpa


"She ran away Shilpa! Now what about my son? What's gone happen?? I am really worried Shilpa "Mrs.venkatesh told while tears flew down her cheeks .

"Amma! Please stop crying let's figure out something "a lady in her 30's told who most probably must be her daughter in law said

Anjali not knowing how to console them,she passed on the water bottle in her hand to the groom's mother and smiled

Mrs.venkatesh turned around and saw Anjali who was looking at her with a worried face.

Soon wiping her tears the groom's mother stood up and walked out to her husband whispering something in his ears .

Mr.Venkatesh took a minute and looked at Anjali top to bottom and walked towards Selva.

Meanwhile Anjali who was busy making Swetha eat her food did not notice all the chaos happening around her

"Selva it's only you who can help us please" Mrs venkatesh told joining her hands infront of Selva and he immediately pulled her hands down.

He turned around and looked at Anjali who was giggling along with Swetha.

He looked at Shilpa who was looking at him with concern

"They want our Anjali to marry their son" Selva told and shilpa's eyes went wide in shock

"Nooo! Say them it's a noo, she literally came here as a guest Selva we just can't do this to her " Shilpa told shaking her head

"She doesn't even have a idea who the groom is! And they want her to marry him?This is not a joke or game Selva it's her life "Shilpa told

Anjali turned around and saw Selva and Shilpa in a deep conversation and shilpa continuously saying no shaking her head

"Venkatesh has done everything to us Shilpa! Now he and his family are in need should 'nt we do something?" Selva asked ,Shilpa did not seemed convinced but nodded her head

"But that does not give us rights to marry her off to someone Selva! She is not a doll" Shilpa yelled

"I never said Imma gone force her Shilpa! Did i? I am just gone let her know about this proposal and the rest is her desicion" Selva told

"I am agreeing to this only if Anjali is okay! If she says no then this is a no okay?" Shilpa asked and Selva nodded his head

"Of course!"

Taking a deep breath they both walked towards her

Anjali was just watching all this standing still in her place holding swetha's tiny hand

"Anjali... Can we talk "Selva asked and she immediately nodded and sat down

Anjali felt her brother's voice was so weak and low

Selva sat on his knees and held Anjali 's hands

"Can I ask you something?" He asked ,she could see the hope in his eyes and Anjali nodded ,she was worried seeing her brother

"Anjali ,have I ever asked you something "he asked

"God no! Now say me what happened? You are making me scared and worried " Anjali whispered yelled not wanting to gain the attention of the other guests who were already staring at them

He took a deep breath and looked at shilpa And turned towards Anjali

"The bride ran away Anjali! The wedding has to stop now" Selva told

"I know! But what does this have to do has ? What do you wanna ask? Anjali asked

Selva looked at Mr and Mrs venkatesh looking at him with hope , taking another Deep breath....

"WILL YOU MARRY ARUN ,THE GROOM ?"Selva asked and Anjali 's eyes went to wide in shock

"I....I think I heard you wrong?" Anjali asked

Her brother was searching for a suitor for her,Yes she knew it but marrying a complete stranger who was someone's fiance an hour ago was making Anjali confused and uncomfortable.

"You heard it right Anjali!" Shilpa told

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